An American science fiction comedy-drama series created by and starring Seth MacFarlane. The Orville is set on the titular U.S.S. Orville (ECV-197), a mid-level exploratory space vessel in the Planetary Union, a 25th-century interstellar alliance of Earth and many other planets.

Tippett Studio worked on Season 1 and is currently completing work for Season 2.

Tippett is delighted to have blasted back into space for Season 2 of Seth MacFarlane’s popular FOX science fiction comedy-drama series, “The Orville.”  Tippett was the sole VFX studio working on comical alien blob Yaphit, who works on the mid-level futuristic spaceship.  Though lacking in bones and muscles, the translucent alien was a technological challenge for Tippett’s VFX crew.  

“Yaphit is a surprisingly complex character – he is polymorphic and only emotes with his mouth. Plus, his transparency means long render times for complex lighting effects.  On the animation side, we’ve loved being a part of Yaphit’s character development through the season, helping him mature from comedic sidekick to courageous hero.” Nicole Watt, VFX Producer.

20th Century Fox

Ken Kokka & Nicole Watt

VFX Supervisor
Eric Leven

Animation Supervisor
Brian Mendenhall